Feature Ideas
Submit IdeaHTML Formcode to connect autoresponder
Amalgamation of all the requests received. Any more should add your vote and comment here
Jennifer T#Integrations 🔗9
Member notification of New Content in their course
Hi It would be very useful and extremely good for customers to be notified when new content is added to their course. Currently when I add a new lesson the customer is blissfully unaware of this new content. If they received an email saying “Hey you have new content in your course” (Login) They would be motivated to go check it out. This keeps customers active and coming back to the portal so that they also get to see new products. Currently when I upload I then send an Aweber broadcast email to my COMPLETE list in the hope that my PD customers will see it and respond. This is a very hit and miss affair. Please vote up if you feel this is a good idea. Thanks Martin
Martin C#Feature Request 🖐11
DropBox & Google Drive File Hosting Options
Add other Integrated File Hosting Service Options: Dropbox, Google Drive
Jay Y#Feature Request 🖐12
Ability To Re-Send Welcome Email
When, for some reason, the member doesn't get the mail, even in spam it would be good to be able to resend the log-in details
Barry#Feature Request 🖐2
Open PDFs and other documents in new window/tab
If I add a PDF as a file or as a supporting file, when a user clicks on the link it takes people out of ProductDyno and redirects to the PDF URL, which is very annoying and unprofessional. My request is that these links either open in a new window/tab by default or give us the ability to choose that option when we're uploading documents for our courses. Thanks as always for your consideration, Ron
Ron P#Feature Request 🖐2
Search Functionality
Ability to search across content
ProductDyno#Feature Request 🖐3
"previous section" and "next section" links beeing available in every theme
For every course with more than a handful sections/sub sections this is very important to keep track of where you are.
Christian D#L.M.S3
Direct Messages automation
Hi, please consider adding automation features to direct messages. At least when somebody contatcs you to have a pre-written message that says "Hi, we received your message. We we'll answer you as soon as possible". A dream would be to have messages sent out based on keywords that people type in the chat (like ManyChat does)
Marek#Feature Request 🖐2
arpReach autoresponder
Integrate with arpReach
Jennifer T#Integrations 🔗0
Checkout page
I would like to suggest adding a function for order bumps, pay what you want and non- coupon sales on checkout (ie. discount a product for a limited time)
Raven G6
Edit File Download Link
When adding a file to a content section, it would be great if we could edit the file download link as it appears inside the member's page view. Give the Link Title a WYSIWYG editor to allow customizable sizing of the font size, or even replace it with a graphic or button. The appearance of the download link title is quite small, for a landing page exclusively made to deliver a digital product like an ebook.
Vic L#Feature Request 🖐2
Progressive bar in the home page
Now that you have progressive bars in every product why don't you add a progressive bar for every product so when somebody log in can easily see what is the progress for every product?
Lea#Feature Request 🖐0
Mobile app
I'd love to see Product Dyno come out with a mobile app, since more and more people are using their phone to access their content. Pretty please consider it! :-) Thanks!
Suzanne S#Feature Request 🖐1
Better progress tracking for course users
Users who are participating in an onlinecourse need to be able to easily track their progress. It needs to be easy to where you are and which sections they already worked on. I'll attach a picture of what I consider a good progress tracker.
Christian D#Feature Request 🖐#L.M.S0
Stripe "Installment" Payment Options
Subscriptions are great but we specifically need “Installment Payments” meaning we want to offer an Expensive Course, say $1500, but that is too pricy for some of our students as a Onetime Payment. Subscriptions do not work, because it is possible to get through our course in a week, and because of the CONCEPT the "Subscription" is ONLY for as long as you WANT TO PAY for our course or a magazine or Netflix, you just cancel. We lose the value of the information we are providing AND we are seeing people using Front Loaded Credit Cards and then never putting money on them never intending to pay the subscription again. The Banks and Credit Institutions see Subscriptions as "Pay as You Consume" the information or product, but the Installment Plans are "the Consumer is responsible for the Entire Set of Payments for the Information, Product, or Service." This is a very distinct and legally enforceable difference that we would love for you to add to your service platform. What we want is to break it down into different periods of “Installment Payments” to make it easier for our customers to purchase if they cannot or don't want to pay the larger Onetime Payment Option, so they choose to use an installment plan, where we will actually make more money for our course for the convenience of the smaller payments over time. An example would be 12 Installment Payments of $150 on the $1500 Course and we would make an extra $300 for allowing the Payment Plan. We need them to understand that it is not a “Subscription”, and they are responsible to pay all the “Installment Payments” and CAN NOT just cancel it on a whim, as this becomes a Credit and Small Claims Court Issue. VERY Different Process Legally and Financially for our Business. SamCart does this using this Configuration in their Course Payment System by simply adding, in addition to the “Trial Period”, an “Installment Period”, as described below. SamCart is not a robust Course Platform, and we are having some technical difficulties with them, which is why we are seeking another Platform. Yet, you could add this the same way they did, by adding an “Installment Period” would be just like the Trial Period setting allowing for a few days, weeks, months, or years, by adding the same type of field and functionality for a number of “Installment Payments” using your current “Price per unit” amount that is also currently your Subscription Amount, which would also be used as the “Installment Payment Amount”. Very little coding, but a HUGE Feature for your clients, specifically our 4 online Businesses and the Small Business Clients we build LMS Systems for. Please put this as a priority as I'm sure many of your current and future clients would love to sell more expensive courses and have an Installment Plan to make more money while helping their customer's purchases be more attainable.
Timothy L0